How could we say no?

Dogs in the UK are put to sleep when they are unwanted. They are put to sleep kindly by an overdose of anaesthetic, it’s painless, it’s quick, it’s heart breaking and it needs to stop, but it’s humane.
Dogs in Spain are killed when they are unwanted. They are beaten to death, poisoned, dumped in bins and left to starve, it’s horrific, it’s barbaric and it has to stop.
Why should we help dogs from abroad? Why shouldn’t we? Dogs deserve love, kindness, respect, a family, a home, dogs deserve to be important, no matter where they were born. Shouldn’t every living creature be treated with compassion? Isn’t that what they deserve, just like you and me?
We were asked to help save 4 puppies from Spain, they could have ended up anywhere, most likely living on a chain, would they even survive that long? How could we say no? One of which we hope to train as a support dog for a young child who recently lost his due to cancer. They are due on the 21st of April.
Then we were asked to take a little Pointer cross puppy, her owner was taking her to the pound, who knows what would have happened if she wasn’t helped quickly? How could we say no? We called her Dotty and she arrived on the 14th of March. She’s absolutely amazing.
Then 2 very scared Podenco’s needed our help, Xena and Victor are due on the 26th of March.
Then we were inundated with pleas for help, not knowing where they would end up if we couldn’t help, how could we say no? 8 more cross breed puppies, taken to the pound and kennels, due on the 21st of April if funds allow.
Our story now pauses as we wait for them all to come to us, they cannot travel until they are 15 weeks old, are fully vaccinated, wormed, approved by a vet and have all paperwork in place. 15 lives saved so far, all of which were at risk of a horrific fate. But for those we have said yes to, those very lucky dogs, their new life has begun, they will be coming to us when they ready to travel starting in March, they are SAFE.
We want to be able to say yes to every dog that needs us, in the UK and EU. To do that we need funds to cover the costs, transport from Spain is £335 each dog, we can only reduce that when we have a van and pick them up ourselves, unfortunately that’s unlikely to be any time soon, but the transporters are brilliant and really care for the dogs they help get to safety. Vet bills for dogs have costs us anywhere from £100 to over £2000. When we need to use kennels, they start at £5 a night for each dog, we’ve spent thousands on kennel bills. We are fundraising for our own land, somewhere for the dogs to play each day, with shelters to make it more like a home. Then they’ll come back to us overnight. Eventually, we’ll have our own centre with lounges for animals and remove our need for kennels completely.
Please help us save more dogs from death, they need us to work together to save them, no one deserves to be killed, no one deserves to be neglected and abused, I don’t, you don’t and they don’t. Please donate today to help us save them, their lives are in our hands. Please sponsor a dog, help us with fundraising, do a food and toy appeal at your place of work, anything at all that you can do to help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your support, from all of us and all of the animals we help, we couldn’t do it without you